Code of Conduct
The following Code of Conduct is intended as a supplementary addition to the Mid Cheshire Youth League and Cheshire Girls Code of Conduct. The rules and regulations listed below along with the individual Leagues Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times. Without such agreement to abide by these rules your son/daughter will not be allowed to register with Frodsham Junior Football Club. These rules apply to all officials, parents, guardians, friends, spectators and players of Frodsham Junior Football Club.
- You must never shout abuse whilst in attendance at matches, this includes the periods leading up to, during and after the scheduled match has taken place. You are always representing Frodsham Junior Football Club until you are off the premises used for the match itself.
- Never ridicule or shout obscenities at players whilst in attendance at matches.
- Set an example – applaud good play by both teams.
- Parents/guardians must refrain from shouting instructions to their son or daughter throughout the duration of the game. Positive encouragement of their son/daughter is welcomed.
- With the exception of the two playing teams, only the Manager and Assistant are allowed inside the touchline ropes on match days, no one else is allowed without exception. Never attempt to enter the playing area during the match.
- If the opposing team attempt to involve you or your son/daughter in any unsavoury incident whatsoever, please walk away and report the incident to the Frodsham Team Manager or Assistant. Under no circumstances must you allow yourself to get into any verbal or physical contact with anyone whilst representing Frodsham Junior Football Club.
- Never publicly question the referee’s decisions; never doubt his/her integrity or honesty.
- Should Frodsham Junior Football Club be in receipt of a monetary fine as directed by the Mid Cheshire Youth League and/or Cheshire Girls League as a due consequence of the behaviour of any parent(s)/guardian(s), payment will be the sole responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) found to be in breach of the Mid Cheshire Youth League/Cheshire Girls League rules and regulations.
- You must abide by and be in total agreement to all rules and regulations of the associated league your son/daughter is participating in.
- Parents/guardians and/or players are solely responsible for the return of any Club kit or other items of equipment issued by or on behalf of Frodsham Junior Football Club upon the request either verbally or in writing, by any representative of Frodsham Junior Football Club, this includes but is not limited to: Manager, Assistant Manager, Official of the Club and Sponsor. Return of goods must be made within such time as requested by the representative of Frodsham Junior Football Club.
- Only black clothing/undergarments are to be worn underneath Club kit on match days.
If you are in breach of any of the rules opposite (along with the Mid Cheshire Youth League and/or Cheshire Girls League/Chester & District Junior Football League/Cheshire Women’s League), the following course of action will be taken.
A) Frodsham Junior Football Club Manager or Assistant will issue verbal warning immediately following the incident.
B) Second or subsequent offences will be the subject of an official written warning from the club.
C) Third offence will be dealt with by withdrawing the registration of the player with whom the offending person is associated.
D) In the case of Gross Misconduct as detailed in items D1 – D4 below, the registration of the player with whom the offending person is associated will be withdrawn with immediate effect:
D1) Threat of, or actual violent behaviour to any player, official, spectator or representative of Frodsham Junior Football Club or their opponents.
D2) Threat or actual sexual misconduct to any player, official, spectator or representative of Frodsham Junior Football Club or their opponents.
D3) Actual damage to property belonging to Frodsham Junior Football Club, or any premises or equipment being used by or on behalf of the Frodsham Junior Football Club.
D4) Serious verbal abuse to any player, official, spectator or representative of Frodsham Junior Football Club or their opponents.
E) In cases where the Mid Cheshire Youth League/Cheshire Girls League/Chester & District Junior Football League/Cheshire Women’s League are involved all incidents will be dealt with under the terms and conditions of their relevant league rules.